• Economic Efficiency - Creating economic goods and services with fewer resources and less pollution.
• Low Carbon development - Harnessing new renewable energy sources and reducing fossil fuel consumption.
• Investing in natural capital and ecosystem services (e.g., to safeguard water supplies and tourism earnings and to enhance cropland and rangeland productivity).
• Efficient markets that internalize all social and environmental costs. Other building blocks that are equally important include, transport, and water infrastructure systems; affordable and environmentally friendly housing; equitable access and governance of natural resources; environmentally aware citizens and green consumers; and new measurements of well-being and sustainable economic welfare that are publicly available.
Kenya’s transition toward Greener economy, must go hand in hand with her overall priorities; poverty reduction, food security, comprehensive and improved education, safe water supply and sanitation, reduction in drought and climate change vulnerability, and better governance. Private Sector Involvement in Green Growth Green Growth is economic growth that is environmentally sustainable. While economic growth is necessary for increased employment and poverty reduction, further environmental goals include the mitigation of climate change, adaptation to climate change, the reduction of other pollutants, and a reversal of biodiversity loss and growing fresh water scarcity. To tackle these challenges, the active participation of the private sector is needed, as firms reduce or change their resource use, minimize waste, develop new environmentally friendly products and services, and increase demand for such products and services. Meeting these needs will be a challenge, but for many enterprises in the developing world, it also presents an opportunity. As such, Private sector contributions and new partnerships will be essential in the development and implementation of a Green Growth strategy for Kenya through establishing the right regulatory and financial framework and setting priorities for investments.


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